Sunday 29 September 2013

Welcome to Newton House 2013-2014

Welcome to Newton House, I would like to take this opportunity to welcome all the new Year 7’s and Year 12’s to Newton House. You have joinedthe number one house in WGSB, as Newton House won the overall house competition last year!

The ethos of Newton House has been steadily developing over the last 12 months, the house has very high expectations in terms of behaviour and representation of all activities open to students and as your Head of House I would like to see these values continue to develop over the coming academic year. We can reach our full potential this year, but only if every student in Newton House contributes to the house at some stage this year.

Looking back at the last academic year, I challenged all Newtonites to rally together to make it a historical year for Newton House, and wow you did not disappoint!  The majority of students took on the challenge issued and made Newton the number 1 house in WGSB and this year Newton are going to strive to raise the bar even higher and retain the converted number one position in WGSB House system.

As a house, we need to make sure that every activity on offer to students is well represented and that students are going above and beyond the expectations of WGSB. We are fortunate enough to have some highly determined members within in our house who have the desire to succeed at every level and this should be embraced by all members of Newton House.

This year we must maintain the work rate that has developed within the house, and make sure that Newton are consistently turning up to all events and offering a team capable of maintaining our vision of being the number one House in WGSB.

If you have any ideas and/or feel that you can make a difference within our House please come and see me, this is your House and you all have a say in what we do.

Good Luck

Mr Benwell

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